My Story
"We do not write in order to be understood; we write in order to understand."- C.S. Lewis
There’s so many great stories and worlds out there, but if you’re like me, you want fantastic worlds of escape that also point to truth. Just as Jesus gave us parables or CS Lewis gave us Narnia, we need more stories that deepen our relationship with God while also drawing us into worlds of adventure, excitement, and complex characters. That is my passion.
Since childhood I been "imaginating", a term my childhood self coined. I have always created stories and worlds in my head, never dreaming I would have the privilege to give life to my characters through writing. And yet God placed people in my life who recognized and called out that passion within me.
Writing is worship to me, it's connecting my imagination as a creator with God's imagination as the creator. And so whenever I write, I lose myself, becoming my characters, living their lives, experiencing their emotions. I become totally enraptured within the story. My dream is to share that experience with you and give you the chance to let my characters touch you and your relationship with God as they have touched me.